✨Let’s talk about…. Beltane
Time for another turn of the wheel
Beltane takes place from moonrise on 30th April through 1st May
( before the shift to the Gregorian calendar, it was acknowledged as being at the second New Moon after the Spring Equinox )
Beltane is a fire festival that celebrates the return of summer and the union of the Goddess and God, often referred to as The Green Man.
It is a time of Fertility, Abundance, Union, Love, Sex, Growth, Protection and where Hand-fasting is celebrated.
Traditionally herbs including Juniper and Rosemary were added to 2 bonfires.
The fires were built using the 9 sacred woods;
Oak, Ash, Rowan, Willow, Hawthorn, Hazel, Birch, Holly and Alder -
However later, Sacred Alder wood was left out of some fires, heeding the Witches curse if used. -
‘Nine woods in the Cauldron go,
burn them quick a' burn them slow.
Elder be ye Lady's tree;
burn it not or cursed ye'll
If you do not follow the Wiccan Rede, this can be disregarded, but still even none Wiccan heed the words and do not burn Alder.
Bonfires are a huge part of Beltane.
Cattle were driven between the two fires, to travel from their winter pastures to summer grazing.
The procession of the cattle was thought to bless and cleanse the cattle and remove any tics or parasites.
This is still practiced in parts of Sweden.
Villagers would also jump or ‘leap the fire’ or its embers, which was thought to purify and represents the burning away of past mistakes.
Pregnant women would also cross the fire to ensure safe arrival of their child.
Children would be carried across for protection.
It was thought that leaping the fire 3 times would ensure safe travels.
The ashes from these fires were sprinkled around the edges of fields to bless a healthy crop.
Embers from the community fire would be taken back to light the home fires.
It was believed all depts should be settled and anything borrowed, should be returned before Beltane.
A time when the Veil is thin between worlds and spirits may cross between them.
Beltane is also a time the Fae are said to awake and you may even catch a glimpse out of the corner of your eye, or notice there are missing items, that have been ‘borrowed’
Offerings such as Milk, Honey, cake or shiny objects can be made and left on your doorstep , garden or an Altar space in return for these items.
The Fae are land and nature spirits and bless us when we take care of them and their homes.
The Fae are known to sometimes grant wishes
and at Beltane, tying a coloured ribbon to a hawthorn tree and leaving an offering is the tradition, leaving a colour associated with the request-
Blue / Protection
Pink / Romance
Purple/ Knowledge
Green / Prosperity
Be sure to return and leave a further offering to the spirit of the tree if your wish is granted.
A note of caution, The Fae are not as depicted in Disney movies. Respect must be shown and house Fae can exist peacefully however be careful when engaging with the Fae and it is advised to trade an exchange rather than make demands and do not owe a dept.
Beltane Traditions, Activities and Associations
Crystals - Malachite, Moss Agate, Carnelian, Bloodstone
Plants, Flowers and Herbs include
Aloe, Passion flower, Willow, Mugwort, Clary sage, Milk thistle, Lemon balm, Jasmine, Rosemary, Marigold, Chamomile, Meadowsweet, Daffodil, Nettle, Fern, Rose
The Fae
Goddess, God, The Green Man
Freya, Odin
leaping a flame
Bee, Rabbit, Cattle
Red, yellow, green, orange
Make a Maypole
Make Elderflower wine
Collecting early morning Dew on Beltane morning
Collecting moon water -( The moon doesn’t have to be visible ) Place on altar
use - room spray, bathe, hair rinse, in cooking and in water spells
Casting Spells / Rituals for Abundance
Simmer pots - fill with Herbs, Fruits, flowers, moon water, Intentions for the coming months - fill house with blessings of love and energy for the coming summer time.
Plant seeds - grow your own herbs and glowers to use in your craft
Altar ideas
Making / Dancing a maypole, flower crown or garland
Making Beltane oil
I often use sweet almond oil, jasmine and fig Use to anoint candles or yourself
Use in a room sprays and Spells
Representations of the Green man and Goddess
Offerings to the Fae and Deities
Candles dressed in Beltane oil and herbs
Herb offerings
Tarot or oracle cards
I use the sun, fire, The Lovers king and Queen of pentacles
Make spell jars, bowls or bags for abundance
Make Simmer pots, Intense blends and Potions.
Blessed Beltane.
- With Love -
- Kate Xx